Thursday, January 19, 2012

My "Empty Tomb" Moment

Mary had been worrying for three days.  She had something important to do and the task was bothering her.  Everything she needed for the trip was laid out.  Everything had been planned.  It was going to take all morning for her and others to finish their work.  She needed to be there early.  Mary Magdalene was going to Jesus' tomb to annoint his body for burial.

Mary arrived expecting to find Jesus' body.  Instead, she found an empty tomb.  The empty tomb confused her at first.  Nothing made sense.  Only after she met the risen Lord was she able to comprehend God's Plan.  Everything Jesus had said in the last three years was true.  Jesus was the Messiah.  Jesus is the one true God and Savior! 

The empty tomb moment for Mary was the same for the disciples. The empty tomb compelled the disciples to come out of hiding and boldly live for Christ.  Uncertainty, fear, doubt and confusion would no longer keep Jesus' followers from telling the world about the Savior and His salvation.  Paul had his empty tomb moment on the way to Emmaeus.  Your may have yours on the way to Walmart.

The "empty tomb" moment is when we recognize that a personal Savior is at work in our lives!  It is the Christian's "Ah Ha" moment when we connect the dots, see the trail and fully understand the story.  No disciple had enough faith or clarity of thought to write down the words of Jesus before the tomb became empty. Only after the disciples realized the full meaning of the empty tomb would they recollect the words of Jesus and share with us their stories of following Jesus.

My latest "empty tomb" moment occurred 4 days ago.  This past Sunday I again recognized the power of God at work in the "Worship for All" ministry.   Do you recall the story of the boy who yelled out "Voodoo" during one of our worship services?  (Refer to the January 12th blog post)  Believe it or not, this past Sunday, and six weeks after the "Voodoo" incident happened, the boy was still playing with the washcloth Jesus toy that he was given!  He had brought it from home to have with him during his weekend stay at the respite care facility.  

Now what sermon message have you heard on a Sunday that you are still carrying around with you six weeks later?   Here's a good Christian phrase that you never hear:  "I am agog!".  I am agog at the power of the Holy Spirit to which God amazes us again and again.  The tomb should be full, but now I understand why it is empty!

This is the daily "Worship For All" blog.  It has a heavenly ending.

Next up:  "Worship Bloopers"

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