Bipolar disorder is a condition in which people go back and forth between periods of moodiness and depression. The pre-depression mood can be either be a very good mood or one that is irritable. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very quick. The cause of this disorder is unknown.
If you recall from a prior blog post on Jan 30th, this teenage boy perfectly understood the Worship For All message about "casting your burdens on the Lord" (Psalm 55:22). He gladly and enthusiastically shook out his anger into Jesus' trash can.
I have recently learned that one weekend Child Care Specialist reminds him of that children's sermon when anger wells up in him. She says to him, "Do you remember our lesson from Jill's House chapel?" "You know, you can always throw your anger into Jesus' trash can." Wow, our lessons in God's Word can also be used as a tool to help our young friends reset their emotions.
At this week's worship service, my friend did not want to participate in any part of the worship service. As I announced the singing of the "Hello" song, my friend announced that he did not want to sing. When I invited all to pray with me, he said "I am not praying today". He placed his fingers in his ears and layed in a bean bag chair. During the same children's sermon as last time, I asked him to throw his anger, his worry or his sin away. He refused to participate.
When it was time for the hands-on blessings my friend said "I don't need a blessing". I asked him if he was "sure". He said he was sure. I stepped away and then stepped back. I said "If you change your mind, let me know." He said "I don't want a blessing".
Everyone else accepted the hands-on blessing, even the seven children who were attending for the first time. We sang the "Amen" song and I thanked everyone for attending our "Worship For All" service. Almost all of the children and caregivers had left the chapel room when my friend said, "On second thought . . . I do want a blessing! I do not want to go to Hell."
"Well, okay then!" I said at this unexpected turn of events. My spirit rejoiced to give him a hands-on blessing. I asked the Lord to take away his worry and his sin and for him to be assured that he would not go "anywhere near to Hell". The one child care specialist still in the room and I were amazed and very, very thankful!
Thank God for "second thoughts". My faith says that the Holy Spirit helps us arrive at "second thoughts" when our first thoughts were not the best for us. Sometimes, "second thoughts" may even be the difference between Heaven and Hell.
This is the "Worship for all" blog. It has a heavenly ending.
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