Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why we all worship - Part 3

In Part 1 of "Why we all worship", it was posted that we exist to worship.  In Part 2, it was stated that all people are designed for worship including children with Intellectual Disabilities.  Today, my thought-to-share, is that our God calls all of us to worship, especially Special Needs children.
As Christians and worshippers of Jesus, we are the "ecclesia".  This greek word is used in the New Testament 115 times or so.  "Ecclesia" means the "called out" ones or the "summoned" ones.  This word is almost always translated as "church" but it is not the best word.  We tend to think of a church as a building.   "Ecclesia" is not a building.  We are often asked, "What church do you attend?" but "ecclesia" has nothing to do with real estate.  "Ecclesia" is a "who".   It is a people and a purpose!  God has called His believers out to be His special people.

How have we been "called out"?  Before Jesus was born, God called specific, historical men and women of great faith to speak for Him as patriarchs and matriarchs  (Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and others).   Later, God used the leaders of Israel (Moses, David, Solomon and others) to guide the faithful .  When leaders were weak in their faith, or worshipped other gods, the One True God sent prophets to their nation.  Each prophet spoke to the people and restored their faithful worship.  (Deborah, Elijah, Ruth, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Esther, John the Baptist and others.)

When Jesus was born, He was, and always has been, the Truth and the Light.  As God's Son, Jesus lived among us.  For over three years, although few understood, Jesus revealed God's Truth to those around Him.  When He died on the cross and rose again, He revealed all truth to His disciples for 40 days.  The disciples would become the early leaders of the "ecclesia" (special people).    When Jesus ascended back into heaven, God the Father, sent the Holy Spirit to be with all believers that we may continue to know His Truth.  The Holy Spirit is with us until Jesus returns to take the "ecclesia" with Him to a new heaven and a new earth.  (Rev. 21:1)

What have we been "called out" to do?  I love to hear Bible stories about how people were "called out" by Jesus.  He called Zacchaeus out of a tree to go visit Zacchaeus' home.  Salvation came to Zacchaeus and his family.  Jesus "called out" the woman at the well to be truthful.  Salvation came to her and many from her town.  Jesus, "called out" Lazarus from death and tomb.  Salvation came to the family of Lazarus and to the many Jews in the crowd who witnessed this miracle.

We are all called out to meet Jesus and worship Him!  My favorite "calling out" story is when Jesus calls for the disciples to bring small children to Him.  Ironically, Jesus and the area religious leaders were in a serious discussion about marriage and divorce.  The disciples were witnessig this as parents tried to bring their children to meet Jesus.  As often is the case with adults, the disciples wanted the children to stay out of the way.  Instead, Jesus called for the children to come to Him.  Our Savior is still calling them today, isn't He? 

"Then some little children were brought to him so that he might lay his hands on them and pray. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them.  Jesus, however, said, 'Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these.'"  Matthew 19:13-14 (ISV)

(I have been waiting for weeks to ask this question:)

Leaders of the "ecclesia" (the special people), are you providing children of Intellectual Disabilities with a place to comfortably fellowship, worship and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

There are many disabled children in your community.  You may not see them, recognize them or even be looking for them.  They, and their families, need all three of those provisions mentioned in the question.  Won't you "call" them "out" of their homes to fellowship, worship and hear God's Word with you?  Grow the number of "ecclesia" where you worship.  Consider beginning this ministry today!  Let's discuss this.  

This is the "Worship for all" blog.  It has a heavenly ending.

Next Up:  "On second thought...." 


  1. Dear Brad, I am mom to three children, and happily married to the love of my life. I am so joyful to read your blog. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, and our eldest daughter is 16years old and has autism, mixed cerebral palsy and had a spinal fusion operation.My husband and I love the Lord and thank Him for bringing us this far with our family.We are about to start a ministry at our local church to help families like us, as well as to help churches become more welcoming to families like us. I am so inspired by your blog not only because you address the worship aspect and that our children as well as us should be in church alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ, but also that you are caring for your son. We had to end our daughter's schooling career as the school was not equipped to cope with her physical needs. We do not have any facilities for the ages of teen to early adulthood, or even after that. If they exist, they are very poorly run, and are more of a day care and we do not have a recreational, learning centre with good social opportunity.Safety, and many underskilled staff working in this field make services for special needs a nightmare to navigate. So I am now my daughter's primary care-giver.In our situation,God has used us to minister to others and we have no one whom we can draw from for inspiration ...but today your family have become my inspiration. May God continue to strengthen you and bless you and your family.

    1. What a blessing your comments are, Desirae! My immediate reaction is how can I help? I am so interested in your project. Tell me about your church and its leadership. I am so thrilled to know that the Holy Spirit is calling your congregation together over these special children. Please email me at info@worshipforall.com to continue this discussion. McLean Bible Church, where I attend, has been providing programs for 15 years. (see Access Ministry at McLeanBible.org) As a volunteer, I lead worship services at an amazing respite care facility called Jill's House. (see JillsHouse.org) I'll be happy to share my children's sermons, simple songs and experiences with you. In His Worship... Brad

  2. Dear Brad,

    I'm very inspired with your sharing and your prompting to set up ministry for the special needs children. I've been a catechism teacher teaching the mainstream kid for the past 29 years. This year (2013) I took a break to set up a class specially for the special needs kids and I'm in the midst of doing the ground work. I'm hoping to get the class going by July this year and will be presenting to my Priest on the resources and schedules for the children.
    In the meantime, I really need prayers that my Priest will give me the go ahead to start the class for these special children of God.

    God Bless,
    Sharon, Singapore
